Master Clubs Regionals
Regionals #8
Our church has a program for children ages 3 to grade 6. The program is called Master Clubs. I help with the 3rd graders every Wednesday night during the school year. On Saturday, the children in grades 3 to 6 were able to compete in a competition against other churhes in the area called Regionals. The Master Club Regionals are the largest competitions of the year. The children competed in bible events, music events, craft events, team events and athletic events. ALL the children did so well, I was so happy and so excited for them. This was my first year at this huge event (150 children, 10 churches) and I had a BLAST! I can't wait to get working on next year. This was my daughter's first year too (the blonde). Although she did not receive a ribbon, she still had tons of fun and is ready for next year.
Church of the Open Door