June 22, 2006
June 20, 2006
June 17, 2006
Project Linus Blanket
Project Linus is a 100% volunteer non-profit organization with a two-fold mission:
First, it is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer "blanketeers."
Second, it is our mission to provide a rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.
If their mission has touched your heart, please visit their site and find your local chapter. The thank you letters you'll receive will fill you heart with joy. I have received many and each one brought tears of joy. My daughter (age 9) is now involved by sewing quilt squares together for me. What a rewarding future she'll have.