Project Linus
I'm involved with Project Linus. My local chapter is the best! Very active in the community. If you're not aware of what Project Linus provides, please visit their web site and get involved. You can find the leader of your local community at:

Every blanket goes to a child that has been hospitalized or in a trama situation. What joy it is to be wrapped in a blanket made of love. I get such a joy out of making these blankets. Every time I drop some off, I get a great big smile on my way out. I just finished 15 fleece blankets for donation. Our local chapter is having a raffle for a $100 gift certificate to Wal-Mart. You get one entry for each blanket your donate the first quarter of the year. Wish me luck!

Every blanket goes to a child that has been hospitalized or in a trama situation. What joy it is to be wrapped in a blanket made of love. I get such a joy out of making these blankets. Every time I drop some off, I get a great big smile on my way out. I just finished 15 fleece blankets for donation. Our local chapter is having a raffle for a $100 gift certificate to Wal-Mart. You get one entry for each blanket your donate the first quarter of the year. Wish me luck!