Things Stitched

July 31, 2006

For My Husband

Motorcycle Dishcloth -

July 28, 2006

Knitted Bath Set

I made a Bath Set for a friend who watched my children at the beach. I never made a soap sac before. I'd like to make one for myself to try. I think the cord is a little long and a little big. Maybe I'll try to crochet a chain stitch cord next time. You can find both patterns on Rhonda White's web site called: Knitting Knonsense

July 27, 2006

Embroidered Pillow

I love to embroider and when I saw these two designs, I thought they would make great pillows. The design on the left took almost 2 hours just for the embroidery work. The one on the right was about 90 minutes. I think they are both beautiful and well worth the time. I get ALL my designs from Embroidery Library.

July 26, 2006

Hershey Park Happy!

We all spent the day at Hershey Park with my mom. Thanks Mom! It was hot, but we all had a wonderful time. Jason rode his first roller coaster, the Trail Blazer, and Justin rode his first upside down roller coaster, Sidewinder. Joe and I rode the Storm Runner. It was short, but WOW it was fun. The picture of the red coaster, is the Storm Runner.

July 25, 2006

Chocolate World

We went to Hershey Park today and stopped at Chocolate World on the way into the park. They have renovated the "ride" yet again this year. They feature the singing cows. They were cute. And the chocolate smelled WONDERFUL!

July 23, 2006

Stitch Markers

My newest craze is making stitch markers. Actually, Katie is the one whom designed them all, I just finished them off.

We're going to try selling them on ebay and giving them away as gifts.

July 21, 2006

What Time Is It?

It was Neighborhood Bible Time at our church all week. Sunday to Friday. There were 3 classes for each grade, 1st - 6th. In each class, there was a teacher, a missionary and an assistant. This year, I was an assistant for a 6th grade class. We had an hour and 10 minutes of classroom time, 10 minutes for a snack, and an hour of rally time. Mr. Robert was our evangelist for the week and had LOTS of excitement to share with the children.
The pictures are of Trish's and my kids, children arriving and waiting for class to start in the 99 degree heat!, change offering and buckets of bricks (you could buy a brick for $5) It was a contest between the boys and girls every night and whose bucket weighed more, and Evangeline the Elf. If you brought a friend to NBT, you could go with Evangeline and see her Ice Room and get a freeze pop and "snow" in your hair.

July 09, 2006

July Donations for Project Linus

During summer months, donations are low for Project Linus. Judy, our coordinator, requested blankets for the summer to see how many we could donate. I just finished up 9 blankets and turned them in at the drop off site. They're so cute. I believe I finally made 59 blankets since April 2005!

July 08, 2006

Ocean City, Maryland

We spent a week at our condo in Ocean City, Maryland. We went with another couple from church and their 3 children. That's 4 adults and 6 children in a tiny, but fun ocean condo. We had a wonderful time. It was the first year down at the beach for the 4th of July and it was worth it! We stood on our balcony and watched the huge display of fireworks at North Side Park. They were so big and beautiful. What a treat!
The first picture is of all 6 kids, then the girls' sand castle, then my 2 boys and then Katie and Jason.